My word for 2020—
REFINE. really God? that seems like a scary word. like, i’m fine God. i don’t need anymore refining, please!!! are you sure? don’t you think I’ve had enough pruning??
yep, He’s sure. keep refining my words, that means less cussing. argh. refining what I eat. refining my time to create margin for exercise, and for Him to move.
keep refining the areas of my life that I live in fear and guilt. fear of hurting others feelings when God is pushing me to hold them accountable, and speak truth. guilt of the life I get to live. He isn’t guilting me, He gave it to me.
in the fire, He is standing with me. in the heat, and the flames. He never leaves me in the refining. He is the fire.
i’m taking the things i have learned, and continue to put a fresh spin on it. i don’t want to create something new, I want to keep refining what I know. taking my skills, passion and creativity to do what comes naturally, following my heart, that will be the new thing He is doing. original authentic creation in this season. New wine into a new wineskin.
the desires He has placed in my heart this year are to grow deeper in Him, and His word. keep refining to know His best. i want to share Him with the world, or anyone that will listen to me.
here’s my verse of the year too, "But someone will say, 'You have faith; I have deeds. ' Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds." James 2:18. i’m ready, my hands are holding on tight.
what is your word?