hi! i'm tara royer steele.
i live in brenham, texas, but at times i feel i live in round top, texas. i love our heavenly father and fall in love with him more and more everyday. he amazes me with his love, mercy, kindness and grace. i married rick steele in 2006, he's my best friend, my business partner in everything and he leads so well. we have two boys, brayden and bentley! they are joy. joy. joy. they are straight up boys. dirt, baseballs, dirt, footballs, video games and full of snuggles for their momma.
i grew up in our family business, from the age of 12, royers round top cafe, and eventually owned it for 18 years before selling it to my brother and sister-in-law in 2015. we also own royers pie haven in round top, texas. the pie haven is a place to rest, eat yummy pie, & build relationships.
in 2018 we bought 7 acres in brenham, tx and moved our commercial kitchen, bake shop, there and called it all things acres. this is where we bake the pies & pastries for royers pie haven, ship pies all over the USA and cater. in 2020 we pivoted because the pie business wasn’t a need at the time. so we figured out what we could offer, and where the need was. we decided to create a Facebook group called, Feed His People, and began serving our community with casseroles! It has grown, and we still are doing that! And, lots more!
we also love to hold retreats for men, youth and women (hopefully couples soon) at all things acres. we gather, rest, and do the hard work to strip back the layers added by the earthly world and get back to who God originally created us to be. you can find out more here, gather n grace. in 2020, my mom passed away and I felt the Lord shifting things and as I walked out of her funeral I heard him say, “karen’s table”. that following mother’s day we hosted our first karen’s table, a small batch gathering, strangers, friends and family. intentional conversation with a simple meal. we held two of those before the Lord said, “BIGGER!!” my husband, rick, said we need to move this into the city. my mom would host Monday family dinners, we never knew who would come, anybody and everybody came to be fed around the table. in 2022, we held our first Monday family dinner at All Things Acres. it was sweet, but we are off the beaten path, and not everyone can get to us. so, in January of 2023 we moved dinner to Fireman’s Park in Brenham, Tx. we get to gather around the table, build trust, meet people where they are in their journey, point them to Jesus and LOVE BIG. Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will make you fisher’s of men.” Mark 1:17. we fish, he sorts. because of gathering, we are able to see the needs of others and connect them. we have had over 70 local organizations link arms with us to continue the good fight. it’s a precious time every Monday night. over the last 2 years we have gotten to sit with over 20,000, only the Lord can do that. read more about it here!
oh! I also wrote a book, Eat. Pie. Love!! it’s an illustrated devotional full of recipes too! It’s my story in devotionals, and of course, pie!! you can snag one here! my second book is coming out on October 7th, 2025, Keep Your Fork, There’s Pie!!! you can pre-order here.
over the last 38 years in round top, i have gone through hard tests & when i truly began to KNOW & understand God and his plan, there was a shift in everything. i was able to learn from my life experiences and share them with others. i love to meet people right where they are & just love. that is our hope for all things acres & Royers Pie Haven, to love people, meet them where they are on their journey & serve HIM BIG through pie, food, gatherings, workshops and retreats.